financial instruments

In other languages:

  • financial instruments [EN] - any of the following instruments issued or to be issued by a commercial partnership, a corporate body established by law, the Government of Malta or other issuers: (1) securities (2) units in collective investment undertakings or schemes as defined in the Investment Services Act (3) money-market instruments, including those classes of instruments which are normally dealt in on the money market, such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit and commercial papers and excluding instruments of payment (4) derivatives (5) warrants, certificates or other instruments, including any record whether or not in the form of a document, entitling the holder to subscribe for, acquire, sell or otherwise dispose of, underwrite or convert any instrument or an interest in any instrument falling within this definition or for any currency (6) certificates or other instruments which confer property rights in respect of any instrument falling within this definition (7) financial instrument as defined by Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 on Insider Dealing and Market Manipulation (market abuse) including, inter alia, any other instrument admitted to trading on a regulated market in a State to which the said Directive applies or for which a request for admission to trading on such a market has been made in terms of the aforesaid Directive; any of the following instruments issued or to be issued by a commercial partnership, a corporate body established by law, the Government of Malta or other issuers (MSE)
  • strumenti finanzjarji [MT] - strument minn dawn li ġejjin maħruġa jew li ser jinħarġu minn soċjetà kummerċjali, enti morali stabilita bil-liġi, il-Gvern ta' Malta jew entitajiet li joħorġu oħra (1) titoli (2) unitajiet f'impriżi jew skemi ta' investiment kollettiv kif definiti fl-Att dwar Servizzi ta' Investiment (3) strumenti tas-suq tal-flus, inklużi dawk il-klassijiet ta' strumenti li normalment jiġu negozjati fis-suq tal-flus, bħal treasury bills, ċertifikati ta' depożitu u karti kummerċjali ħlief għal strumenti ta' pagament (4) derivattivi (5) warrants, ċertifikati jew strumenti oħra, inklużi kull rekord sew jekk f'forma ta' dokument sew jekk le, li jagħti l-jedd lid-detentur tiegħu biex jissottoskrivi għal, jakkwista, jbiegħ jew xort'oħra jiddisponi minn, jagħmel underwriting ta', jew jikkonverti xi strument jew interess f'xi strument li jaqa' taħt din it-tifsira, jew għal xi flus (6) ċertifikati jew strumenti oħra li jagħtu drittijiet ta' propjetà dwar xi strument li jaqa' taħt din it-tifsira (7) strument finanzjarju kif definit fid-Direttiva 200/6/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal- Kunsill tat-28 ta' Jannar, 2003 dwar Insider dealing u l-Manipulazzjoni tas-Suq (Abbuż fis-Suq) inkluż, inter alia kull strument ieħor ammess għall-kummerċ f'suq regolat fi Stat li fih tapplika d-Direttiva msemmija u li għalih tkun saret talba għall-ammissjoni fil-kummerċ f'suq simili skond l-istess Direttiva (MSE)
  • strumenti finanziari [IT]

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