In other languages:
- face value (or par value) [EN] - the value that appears on the face of the bond, unless the value is otherwise specified by the issuing company. Face value is not an indication of market value (see principal) (IW)
- valur mal-ħruġ [MT] - il-valur ta' bond kif jidher fuq iċ-ċertifikat tal-bond, sakemm il-valur ma jkunx speċifikat mod ieħor mill-kumpanija li toħroġ il-bond. Il-valur mal-ħruġ m'hux indikazzjoni tal-valur fis-suq (ara prinċipal) (IW)
- valore nominale [IT] - importo convenzionale corrispondente al rapporto fra il capitale sociale e il numero delle azioni in cui esso risulta suddiviso (Uni)