contract note

In other languages:

  • contract note [EN] - on the same day as a transaction takes place, an intermediary sends to the investor a contract note detailing the transaction including full title of the security, price, stamp duty (if applicable), consideration, commission, time of deal etc. (IW)
  • nota ta' kuntratt [MT] - fl-istess ġurnata li ssir tranżazzjoni, intermedjarju jibgħat lill-investitur nota ta' kuntratt bid-dettalji tat-tranżazzjoni inklużi l-isem sħiħ tat-titolu ta' sigurtà, prezz, taxxa tal-boll (jekk ikun hemm), rimunerazzjoni, kummissjoni, il-ħin tat-tranżazzjoni eċċ. (IW)
  • nota di contratto [IT]

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