continuity of contracts

In other languages:

  • continuity of contracts [EN] - legal consideration for the introduction of the euro determined by the European Council in Dublin in December 1996 which states that all contracts (national and international) will remain unaffected by the currency changeover to the euro. Contracting parties will not be permitted to terminate or alter any contract on the basis of the transition to the euro. Any financial amounts expressed in national currency units in mortgage, insurance or any other contracts should be automatically changed into euros at the irrevocably fixed conversion rate (NECCG)
  • kontinwità ta' kuntratti [MT] - trattament legali għad-dħul ta' l-ewro determinat mill-Kunsill Ewropew f'Dublin f'Diċembru tal-1996 u li jgħid li l-kuntratti kollha (nazzjonali u internazzjonali) jibqgħu bla mittiefsa mal-bidla tal-munita għall-ewro. Il-partijiet involuti f'kuntratti ma jitħallewx ittemmu jew jibdlu kwalunkwe kuntratt minħabba l-bidla għall-ewro. Kull ammont finanzjarju kkwotat f'munita nazzjonali f'ipoteki, assigurazzjoni jew kwalunkwe kuntratt ieħor ikun awtomatikament mibdul f'ewro skond ir-rata tal-kambju ffissata b'mod irrevokabbli (NECCG)
  • continuità dei contratti [IT]

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