board of directors

In other languages:

  • board of directors [EN] - individuals elected by a corporation's shareholders to oversee the management of the corporation. The members of a Board of Directors are paid in cash and/or stock, meet several times each year, and assume legal responsibility for corporate activities, also called directorate (Dic)
  • bord tad-diretturi [MT] - individwi eletti minn nies li għandhom sehem fil-kumpanija sabiex jieħdu ħsieb l-interessi ta' l-istess kumpanija. Dawn jitħallsu bi flus kontanti jew b-ishma u jiltaqgħu ħafna drabi matul is-sena, u jieħdu ir-responsabbilità għal dak li tagħmel l-istess kumpanija (Mik)
  • consiglio di direttori [IT]

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