auditor’s report

In other languages:

  • auditor's report [EN] - often called the accountant's opinion. It is the statement of the accounting firm's work and its opinion of the company's financial statements, especially if they conform to the normal and generally accepted practices of accountancy (IW)
  • rapport ta' l-awditur [MT] - jissejjaħ spiss l-opinjoni ta' l-akkawntant. Dan hu dikjarazzjoni tax-xogħol magħmul mid-ditta li tikkontrolla l-kontijiet u l-opinjoni tagħha fuq id-dikjarazzjonijiet finanzjarji tal-kumpanija, l-aktar jekk jaqblux mal-prattiki normali u aċċettati b'mod ġenerali ta' kontroll tal-kontijiet (IW)
  • rapporto del revisore [IT]

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