

(1) futures u kuntratti ta' kambju barranin li jsiru għal finijiet ta' investiment jew kambju miksuba jew miżmuma għal skopijiet ta' investiment inklużi strumenti konklużi bil-flus ekwivalenti (2) driittijiet taħt kuntratt għal differenzi jew taħt xi kuntratt ieħor li l-għan tiegħu jew l-għan maħsub tiegħu huwa li jiżgura profitt jew jevita telf b'referenza għal varjazzjonijiet fil-valur jew fil- prezz ta' propjetà ta' kull deskrizzjoni jew f'indiċi jew f'fattur ieħor maħsub għal dak l-għan fil-kuntratt (3) options għall-akkwist jew id-disponiment minn xi strument li jaqa' taħt dawn il-kategoriji, inklużi strumenti konklużi bil-flus ekwivalenti, speċifikament inklużi għażliet fuq il-munita u fuq ir-rati ta' l-interessi u (4) derivattivi fuq il-kommoditajiet (MSE)

In other languages:

  • derivatives [EN] - (1) futures and foreign exchange contracts entered into for investment purposes or foreign exchange acquired or held for investment purpose, including equivalent cash-settled instruments (2) rights under a contract for differences or under any other contract the purpose or intended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss by reference to fluctuations in the value or price of property of any description or in an index or other factor designated for that purpose in the contract (3) options to acquire or dispose of any instrument falling into these categories including equivalent cash-settled instruments, specifically including options on currency and on interest-rates (4) derivatives on commodities (MSE)
  • derivativi [IT]

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