balance sheet

karta tal-bilanċ

dikjarazzjoni finanzjarja fil-qosor li turi n-natura u l-ammont ta' l-assi, djun u kapital tal-kumpanija f'data speċifikata. Il-karta bilanċjali turi f'Lm (jew f'xi munita oħra) kemm kellha beni l-kumpanija, kemm kellha tagħti, u l-interessi ta' l-azzjonisti tagħha bħala sidien fil-kumpanija (IW)

In other languages:

  • balance sheet [EN] - a condensed financial statement showing the nature and amount of a company's assets, liabilities and capital on a given date. In Lm (or any other currency) amounts, the balance sheet shows what the company owned, what it owed, and the ownership interest in the company of its shareholders (IW)
  • bilancio [IT]

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