

In other languages:

  • securities [EN] - (1) shares or stock in companies and other securities equivalent to shares in companies (2) bonds, debentures and other forms of securitised debt which are negotiable on the capital market (3) any other securities normally dealt in giving the right to acquire any such transferable securities by subscription or exchange or giving rise to a cash settlement excluding instruments of payment (MSE)
  • titoli [MT] - (1) ishma jew stocks f'kumpaniji jew titoli oħrajn ekwivalenti għal ishma f'kumpaniji (2) bonds, debentures u forom oħrajn ta' dejn taħt titoli, li jkunu negozjabbli fis-suq kapitali (3) titoli oħrajn li normalment jiġu negozjati u li jagħtu l-jedd li jiġu akkwistati titoli trasferibbli simili permezz ta' sottoskrizzjoni jew kambju, jew li jwasslu għall-ħlasijiet ta' flus ħlief għal strumenti ta' pagament (MSE)

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