linked long term contracts of insurance (or LLTCIs)

contratti di assicurazione legati a lungo termine

In other languages:

  • linked long term contracts of insurance (or LLTCIs) [EN] - an LLTCI is a life assurance policy linked to property of any description - such as units in a collective investment scheme. The benefits are wholly or partly determined by reference to the value of the units in the collective investment scheme (IW)
  • kuntratti ta' assigurazzjoni marbutin għat-tul b'rabta ma' propjetà għat-tul [MT] - hija polza ta' assigurazzjoni tal-ħajja marbuta ma' propjetà ta' kull xorta - bħalma huma units fi skema ta' investiment kollettiv. Il-benefiċċji huma determinati għal kollox jew parzjalment b'referenza għall-valur tal-units fl-iskema ta' investiment kollettiv (IW)

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