insurable interest

interesse che può essere assicurato

In other languages:

  • insurable interest [EN] - this is the financial relationship that must exist between the insured and the subject matter of the insurance policy such that he benefits from its safety or absence of liability or is prejudiced by its loss or damage or existence of liability. This relationship gives the insured the legal right to insure that subject matter (IG)
  • interess assigurabbli [MT] - din hija r-relazzjoni finanzjarja li għandu jkun hemm bejn l-assigurat u l-oġġett (materjali) assigurat mill-polza b´mod li hu jibbenefika mis-sigurtà jew min-nuqqas ta' responsabbilità (legali) tiegħu jew hu ppreġudikat jekk jitilfu jew issirlu ħsara jew bl-eżistenza ta' responsabbilità (legali). Din ir-relazzjoni tagħti lill-assigurat id-dritt legali li jassigura dak l-oġġett (materjali) (IG)

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