bear market

mercato che scende, mercato tendente al ribasso, mercato in calo

definizione data a chi ritiene che nel futuro l'andamento del mercato sia ribassista (Uni)

In other languages:

  • bear market [EN] - a nickname investors give the stock market when security prices are generally declining over an extended period of time. Down markets got nicknamed bear markets because of the popular myth that bears attack with their paws pointing down (see bull market) (IW)
  • suq nieżel [MT] - mod kif investitur jiddeskrivu is-suq ta' l-ishma meta l-prezzijiet tat-titoli ta' sigurtà jagħmlu perijodu ta' żmien x'aktarx twil ġeneralment neżlin. Swieq neżlin tlaqqmu bear markets mill-ħrafa popolari li l-orsijiet jattakkaw b'saqajhom ippuntati 'l isfel (ara suq tiela') (IW)

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