loss of use

loss of use

(1) value assigned to not having use of the damaged property for a period following the loss (2) an extension to a motor policy which covers the cost of renting a replacement vehicle while one's car is being repaired (IG)

In other languages:

  • telf ta' użu [MT] - (1) valur mogħti lill-fatt li għal perijodu ta' żmien wara t-telfa wieħed ma jkunx jista' juża propjetà li saritilha ħsara (2) estensjoni għal polza ta' vetturi li tkopri l-ispiża tal-kiri ta' vettura flok il-vettura ta' dak li jkun waqt li din tkun qed tissewwa (IG)
  • perdita dell'uso [IT]

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