comprehensive policy

comprehensive policy

insurance designed to pay for the repair or replacement of the policy owner's car in the event of damage not resulting from an accident. Comprehensive coverage usually requires the payment of a deductible when a claim is made and may be required to secure a new car loan (Inv)

In other languages:

  • polza (ta' assigurazzjoni) komprensiva [MT] - assigurazzjoni magħmula għat-tiswija jew bdil tal-karozza tas-sid tal-polza f'kaz ta' ħsara li mhux ġej minn aċċident. Assigurazzjoni komprensiva ta' sikwit ikollha pagament ta' ammont li jiġi mnaqqas meta ssir klejm u jista' jkun hemm il-ħtieġa għal self fuq karozza ġdida
  • polizza globale [IT]

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