investor compensation scheme

In other languages:

  • investor compensation scheme [EN] - this is the technical term which is used to describe a scheme which provides compensation to retail investors who stand to lose money as a result of the default or bankruptcy of an authorised intermediary. Payment of claims are limited to a specified amount - that is, investors may receive only a part of the monies invested through an intermediary who has defaulted or gone bankrupt (IW)
  • skema ta' kumpens lil investitur [MT] - dan hu t-terminu tekniku użat biex jiddeskrivi skema li tipprovdi kumpens lil investituri li jistgħu jitilfu l-flus minħabba li intermedarju awtorizzat ma jħallashomx jew ifalli. Il-ħlas ta' klejms hu limitat għal ammont speċifikat - jiġifieri, investitur jista' jirċievi biss parti mill-flus li jkun investa permezz ta' intermedjarju li ma ħallsux jew li falla (IW)
  • schema di risarcimento per investitori [IT]

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